Welcome! May I walk beside you as you continue to uncover, untangle, embody and enliven your life’s purpose? I seek to be witness and ally to your own personal dynamic process of creating connection and coherence between the greater world (past, present, future) and your individual self (personal story) in this evolving Earth community we all collectively share. C.G. Jung states, “Every advance; even the smallest, along the path of conscious realization adds that much to the world”.
I have extensive expertise working in and creating dual-diagnosis (mental health/addiction recovery) out-patient programs on the Central Coast. Throughout my time working with various mental health programs, I have become proficient in myriad therapy modalities. My doctoral work was focused on Jungian Analytical Psychology.
I have been fortunate to work with varied and diverse age groups and communities. I look forward to helping you recognize and claim the change you seek, the emergence of a stronger personal sense of Self in this world.